Autumnal Squash Soup

A recipe from Long Table Head Chef Chris Burger

Autumnal Squash Soup

Chris says “this is more of a method than a recipe, I find a recipe can sometimes be too prescriptive and every squash is different - we want people to use whatever is available to them, just like we do here at The Long Table”. So with that in mind, this is very much a free-style soup! But if you’re keen for an ingredients list, here’s your starter for 10:


Oil or butter

Spices and herbs of your choice



  • Wash, peel and de-seed your squash or pumpkin of choice, for example butternut, crown prince or red kuri

  • Saute the peelings and seeds in a pan with a little oil or butter until golden and caramelised

  • Add whatever spices and herbs you prefer! Eg. bay leaves, black peppercorns, thyme, chilli

  • Cover with a few centimetres of water and bring to a simmer for 10 to 15 minutes

  • While your seeds and peel are caramelising, chop the flesh of your squash thinly, and put into a separate pan with a little oil and or butter, salt and thinly sliced onion and garlic

  • Cover with a lid and cook on medium heat so as to quickly steam, stirring occasionally, trying not to brown

  • Cook until totally soft and falling apart, at which point your stock will be ready

  • Strain the stock through a sieve over your cooked squash and process with a blender. Adjust liquid with more water if needed to reach desired consistency.

    If you'd like a richer soup, add additional olive oil, butter or cream and then season to taste and serve.